This is the emulation i have created which is a piece that i have created in the style of the artist that i copied. This emulation was created much the same ways my copy.
To begin with, I drew the main outline of the picture on a sheet of A3 paper in pencil...
The next step was to trace the pencil line using an ink brush pen and the light box. I decided at this point to ink the fire and the main body of the creature (Balrog) seperatly onto two pieces of A3 paper...
once i had completed the ink trace, it was time time scan it into photoshop and get colouring. i started off by using the paintbrush tool to colour the wizard Gandalf first, mainly because he was the closest to the foreground of the picture and it gave me a good idea then of how to colour the Balrog...
after finishing Gandalf, i moved onto adding colour to Frodo on the back page of the cover...
Then, I created a new photoshop document and edited the fire that I had inked separately. I altered the threshold and got rid of the white background, then i hit command on the keyboard and clicked the thumbnail of the layer the fire outline was on, this highlighted the black lines with a dotted outline which then meant i could use the paintbrush tool to directly recolour the back line to red, yellow and orange, and make it look more like fire...
It was then time to add this new fire to the real image..
After adding the fire to the image, i then needed to the same process of colouring the lines on the whip...
Now, for the bridge and jagged cave wall that Gandalf is on, i wanted to colour it a dark brown colour with a shadow being cast from gandalf but i wanted it to make the colour fade into the background. so i decided to use the polygon lasso tool to draw a shape for where i wanted colour, and then used the gradient tool to fill it with colour that faded at the edges...
once i had completely filled the bridge and wall with colour, and was happy with the result, the picture was beginning to take shape. so now it was imd to add colour to the Balrog its self. I did the same as i did to colour Gandalf and the hobbit Frodo, and used the paintbrush tool to add in different layers of colour to show shading and light...
At this point i added a black background that would make the fire and characters stand out and show off the whole images dark and car like feeling that i had been aiming for...
Then, for the last part that was needed to do, i needed to colour the "The Lord Of The Rings" text at the top of the image. i decided to go with the classic golden/yellowy colour with a outer glow to make it stand out from the rest of the page...
And after completing the text, the picture was finished...